
Longboards Buying Guide

As dependably with purchasing anything, there are a few things you have to pay special mind to. You have to ensure you don’t misunderstand the thing.

We’ve assembled a purchasing guide for you and gone over some essential elements. If it’s not too much trouble take note of this is only a short outline. We have different articles and aides that go super inside and out given the riding style or board you need, it would be ideal if you look at them.

As we go into these aides, a standard guideline is to work inside your cutoff points, yet endeavor to get the one that grabs your attention.

Whom are you purchasing it for ?

When all is said in done, kids are little in size. This will influence how they would ride and control a longboard. It’s an essential factor to consider on the grounds that a longboard that is too substantial can demonstrate lumbering. It is hard to control and move. It is difficult to turn as they don’t have adequate weight to incline toward the trucks.

So when considering longboard estimate for children, I prescribe you run with cruisers in the first place.

To put it plainly, you need something that is about as wide as their shoe measure and a wheelbase (truck to truck remove) that is about as wide as their shoulder width position. This will guarantee that they can without much of a stretch equalization and control the board.

Try not to be kept down if its greater or littler than those estimations. This is only a general guide and one may lean toward a board that is longer or shorter as indicated by their points of interest.

You need the setup to be lightweight. This will make it simple to drive, move and bear. Finally, ensure they like the board. Nothing will keep a child from utilizing a board more, than if they despise what it would appear that. By and by, this is a whole article consolidated to a couple of sentences. For something more top to bottom, take a gander at our different aides.

How long your longboard should be ?

In the event that you are a grown-up and are contemplating what measure longboard to get, you should initially consider your riding style. This is the most essential factor as specific sizes would be better for various riding styles. For instance: If you need to push a long separation, a more extended, more extensive board is best for it. This is on the grounds that it will be more steady and agreeable to remain on.

On the off chance that you need a minimized board to drive short separations, get something as expansive as Penny Nickel (28in long) or a short as a Penny Original (22in). This makes it simple to store and bear.

An official conclusion it is all up to you. For instance, I like littler sheets for driving and despite the fact that they are awkward, I have developed a decent parity and leg quality.

In this manner we just suggest this when it originates from a position of involvement, realizing what you can deal with. Just go out on a limb when it’s your third or fourth board and when you see how estimate, shape, trucks and so on influence how the board feels underneath.

The equivalent goes for picking longboards for young ladies however will be distinctive for children. The distinction in size influences how their riding background will be.

How to pick the best longboard type and deck style ?


As we had made reference to above, riding style decides board measure. The equivalent goes for longboard composes and deck style to some degree. You could likewise utilize a similar board for some things.

They will regularly be comparable qualities shared between styles. Individuals blend and match, however we just suggest this in the event that you are experienced and comprehend the downsides of blending deck styles and such.

For instance: With downhill skateboarding, a drop down board will be reasonable because of the steadiness from a low focus of gravity. A similar drop-down load up will be useful for long separation pushing and driving, however this time because of it being simpler to push and parity on.

For sure,some deck styles are more suited to a few purposes than others. We have super inside and out aides on things like the best drop through longboard, the best cruiser sheets, the best longboard brands for cruising sheets and so on. I profoundly prescribe you read them as they are unmistakably educational.

In the event that we needed to outline, we would state that drop downs and drop throughs are useful for amateurs in all riding styles. Top mounts are better for hard cutting and cruising. Drop throughs and top mounts are better for traps, free-form, and moving.

As you are assembling your fantasy setup, bear in mind about truck styles. To sum things up, there are just two – conventional boss (tkp) and turn around boss (Rkp). Rkp trucks are more suited towards cruising. They have a smooth turn and feel extremely steady.

Tkp’s are the trucks seen on skateboards. They are most appropriate for traps yet can likewise be utilized to voyage. Be that as it may, they are not as steady and smooth turning as Rkps.

Attempt to get RKPs on the off chance that you can, yet for an apprentice, the distinction won’t be that noticeable.Finally, your riding style will decide the wheels you need. Regularly, wheels somewhere in the range of 65mm and 75 mm are incredible for cruising, pushing, freeriding, i.e all round purposes.

Other Important things to Consider

Similarly as with any leisure activity, there will be a touch of wear and tear, both of the board and conceivably you as a rider.

We prescribe purchasing wellbeing gear. At the base a longboard head protector. This is basically imperative since we never know when mishaps can occur. We ought to be set up to keep the most noticeably awful. A head protector will forestall blackouts and cerebrum harm.

Other wellbeing gear you can get are:

slide gloves (in the event that you need to slide and securely quit going downhill, read more here),

hip cushions

knee cushion (for a fledgling, a protective cap and some knee cushions would go far)

elbow cushions.

We suggest you rehearse foot braking. This procedure of backing off will decrease your speed in a smooth and controlled way. You can utilize it in an assortment of circumstances and it is superior to anything essentially running off and giving your board a chance to move into the separation. When you get your first setup, chance are the course will be awful. I prescribe supplanting them with some secondary selling ones. They will roll quicker and give a superior riding knowledge. Likewise, get some bearing oil to put in your heading once per month. This shields them from locking up and ensures you are rolling easily.

Bamboo vs Maple Longboards

Over the most recent couple of years, we’ve been seeing loads of various materials being utilized for skateboards and longboards. These regularly extend from carbon fiber to fiberglass to bamboo and even a few plastics.

These materials make great choices for conventional maple and are regularly less expensive, longer enduring and now and again more ecologically amicable. In any case, is it worth utilizing/purchasing these elective materials by any stretch of the imagination?

In the present article, we think about Bamboo and Maple. We discuss the favorable circumstances and burdens of each and what you should take a gander at when you’re supposing about purchasing either.

Why Bamboo?

Over the most recent couple of years, we’ve been seeing loads of various materials being utilized for skateboards and longboards. These regularly extend from carbon fiber to fiberglass to bamboo and even a few plastics.

These materials make great choices for conventional maple and are regularly less expensive, longer enduring and now and again more ecologically amicable. In any case, is it worth utilizing/purchasing these elective materials by any stretch of the imagination?

In the present article, we think about Bamboo and Maple. We discuss the favorable circumstances and burdens of each and what you should take a gander at when you’re supposing about purchasing either.

Why Maple?

Maple, when all is said in done, is stiffer and improves for firm decks. This is impeccable in case you’re searching for a skateboard, a declining longboard or essentially something that is sturdier with insignificant flex.

Be that as it may, it doesn’t mean you can’t have a flexy Maple board.

Many individuals say Bamboo is superior to Maple, yet everything truly depends where the Maple you’re contrasting it and is developed. Not all maple is the equivalent and maple developed in better places have diverse properties. For instance, there are contrasts in thickness and fiber development for Maple developed in Siberia versus Maple developed in Canada. This is on the grounds that the Maple trees in Canada develop at a higher height and along these lines have denser strands than those in Siberia. Along these lines, this specifically means them being more grounded, stiffer and more tough, which means they will improve skateboards and longboards. So in synopsis, against modest Maple, Bamboo wins, however against American Maple, Bamboo loses.

Notwithstanding, with regards to being adaptable and solid, Bamboo is superior to Maple.

So when we think about the earth, utilizing Maple leaves something to be desired. This is on account of skateboarding is one of the greatest supporters of Maple deforestation in North America. Maple isn’t anything but difficult to supplant and it requires a long investment to develop so it’s not incredible when trees are chopped down.

Be that as it may, Maple can be sourced on the off chance that it is taken from capably overseen holds and woodlands, probably the best longboard organizations do this. This implies despite the fact that Maple is chopped down there are frameworks set up to restrain the effect to the earth.

Additionally, when you purchase Maple you are supporting the American business. This is critical in light of the fact that you are animating the economy and bolster nearby business.


Bamboo isn’t as tough as Maple. When it is crisp, it truly holds its flex well and is solid. Be that as it may, the more seasoned it gets (following a couple of years), it turns out to be less flexy and begins listing a tad. This implies it won’t ride or execute and it once did. So unquestionably a few years down the line, you’ll be hoping to supplant your Bamboo longboard.

Then again, Maple is more solid since it is denser and stiffer. It will last longer as a rule however will in any case should be supplanted following a couple of years.

Neither of them will break effectively, however modest Maple will be helpless against that.

Best for Cruising ?

With regards to cruising, it is absolutely dependant on the board you need to get.

As we made reference to, Bamboo is adaptable. This adaptability will go about as suspension and smoothen out a great deal of street vibration for a more agreeable ride. Be that as it may, you can’t get Bamboo in some deck shapes. It experiences difficulty holding the form and they can’t make drop down longboard shapes. You are restricted to top mounts and drop through decks

Presently Maple is stiffer. This firmness is great since you’ll get more input from the street. In the event that you need something more responsive and that permits you truly feel in charge and truly ‘feel’ your trucks, you ought to go for a Maple cruiser.

You will likewise have much more alternatives to look over as far as deck shapes.


We have super inside and out aides on things like the best drop through longboard, the best cruiser sheets, the best longboard brands for cruising sheets and so on. Many individuals say Bamboo is superior to Maple, yet everything truly depends where the Maple youre contrasting it and is developed. Not all maple is the equivalent and maple developed in better places have diverse properties. For instance, there are contrasts in thickness and fiber development for Maple developed in Siberia versus Maple developed in Canada. So in synopsis, against modest Maple, Bamboo wins, however against American Maple, Bamboo loses.

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Vijay Kumar

Guys I love speed! I've been adding all the products only after testing with them and playing with them.